Life is full of questions; so this article was written with the intention of solving the question on New Wine . Sure do hope that your questions have been answered.
Which Wine With Your Fish
It is a dilemma that has plagued mankind since the first hook was tied to fishing line and a rudimentary fishing bobber attached. Since the first days of fishing, there has been the question. The question itself has meant the difference between acceptance and banishment in the eyes of your dinner guests. Which wine goes with your fish?
For as long as I can remember, white wine was the commonly chosen wine to compliment a fish dinner. Yet in recent history red wine has found it?s way into the hearts of many. This means if you were once banished for serving a California Chardonnay with your Portuguese-Style Swordfish, you can now come out of hiding. For it is not the color of the wine that makes your fish acceptable, but whether or not the flavors compliment one another.
Probably the most easily paired serving of fish with wine is the salmon. Also to be noted is the type of sauce that is served with the fish in question. You will find that buttery and moist dishes open up a world of opportunities when it comes to wine pairings. Salmon, for example, falls square into this category. You can easily serve this dish with many non-white wines like Chardonnay, Burgundy, or even Champagne. Even a Pinot will pair well with broiled or grilled salmon. For instance an Olive-Encrusted Salmon with Zucchini and Mushroom Stew.
Now this is not to say that white wine has been replaced at the table. It is about the texture and consistency of the fish that lends to the type of wine you wish to serve. White wine is still a traditional serving with fish. A dry wine, such as a Muscadet would pair well with a Marlin Piccatta or similar dish.
If you are looking at a smoked fish like a Smoked Salmon Spread at your next dinner party, try something with a fruity or oaky wine. But as a word of caution, do not pair a heavy oaky wine with a smoked entr?e? or you may find it a bit overpowering for your quests.
The simple word here is that you do not have to fear serving white or red wine with your fish. Just think about the type of flavors, textures, and constancy that will be present and marry them to the complimentary flavors found in your wine selection.
Dean Carl has enjoyed both fishing and dining on fish with family and friends nearly all of his life. Dean feels sharing fishing stories and reliving the ?one that got away? is a necessary part to enjoying the great sport of fishing we enjoy today. His memories of fishing stories over dinner are an important part of his heritage. This article has been shared courtesy of and |
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