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2008 - - Gift Ideas

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Need wedding gift ideas? Bake a cake - San Marcos Daily Record

Need wedding gift ideas? Bake a cake
San Marcos Daily Record, TX - Mar 16, 2008
Could you help me find a book that emphasizes unique decorating ideas for wedding cakes? A. What a delightful wedding gift! Wilson’s book does feature some ...

The REAL Effects of Alcohol On Your Body

Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:25:28 PDT
As a rebuttal to Tom Venuto’s Calories and Alcohol article, Marc David from www.nobullbodybuilding.com fame had this to say about the REAL Effects of Alcohol On Your Body. As always, be sure to check the references cited at the end of the article. If you are curious as to the effects of alcohol on the body, this could be the most eye-opening article you will ever read. Many of us associate the effects of alcohol on the body with the heart, lungs, liver, brain, memory, etc. Furthermore, if ask

Monday morning musing: When is Orval best?

Mon, 10 Mar 2008 06:40:17 PDT
Following up on the notion put forth last week by Ron Jeffries about “beer moments” and echoed by Andrew Mason take a look at Lew Bryson’s post about “discovering” Orval. This particular Orval was just five weeks past bottling (at the monastery pictured to the right). Given that Orval undergoes refermentation in the bottle it might have tasted different two days later, surely would have two weeks later . . . and then realize this is a beer that people lay down like wine, eventually hauling out

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