June - Wine Pairing
Unique Pepper Nasal Spray Beats Wine Headaches & Hang-overs
The world's first natural hot pepper nasal spray is gaining a huge reputation for relieving chronic sinus ailments and headaches across the world, but it turns out this "HOT" new nasal spray also beats alcohol headaches and hang-overs.
Altamont, NY April 26, 2004 -- Since its' official release barely six months ago, the Sinus Buster capsaicin nasal spray has become a worldwide phenomenon. The Sinus Buster is the worlds' first nasal spray made with all natural hot pepper extract, and it's been proven to relieve chronic sinus, allergy, and headache symptoms for thousands of people.
In fact, the Sinus Buster has the honor of being one of the few products in the natural health industry to actually be recommended by a growing number of doctors. These doctors include ENTs, Neurologists, and Allergists.
"The more people who buy Sinus Buster, the more we keep finding out what it's capable of. When we started out with this formula, the intent was to market it as the ulimate migraine headaches stopper - period. But then we started finding out the sinus buster was relieving chronic allergies, and all kinds of sinus ailments including infections. This is what our customers began reporting back to us. We've even had a few dozen customers who claim the sinus buster cured their anosmia -- that's the condition when people lose their sense of smell. It's just amazing - everytime we turn around we get another story from somebody finding a new use for the sinus buster," boasts Wayne Perry, President of SiCap Industries, makers of the Sinus Buster nasal spray.
It seems Perry isn't exaggerating either. Lately there have been many stories coming in from people who say the Sinus Buster is becoming big with the bar crowd. It turns out this unique nasal spray is a "morning after" hang-over chaser that can't be beat. Jay Bowlen, a contractor from Pittsfield, Massachusetts uses the Sinus Buster whenever he's recovering from a wild night out.
"It doesn't just get rid of the headache. It also clears everything out and it wakes me right up. After a night of partying...when I finally roll out of bed, I use it in the shower and I'm good to go. It's great stuff, says Bowlen.
But the Sinus Buster's connection with booze doesn't just stop with hang-overs. The Sinus Buster is also known to stop wine headaches in their tracks. For many people that's an important selling point because although the percentage is small, there are many wine lovers who get headaches from their beloved beverage.
It's known as the "Red Wine Headache", because it appears to be red wine that causes most wine headaches. Medical researchers don't know much at all about this syndrome mainly because the research dollars just aren't there, and it's something the big wine makers just don't want publicized. In June 2002, The Harvard Health Letter reported "the red wine headache is a real and poorly understood phenomenon."
For instance, many people believe the government warning labels on wine that read, "contains sulfites" are there to warn people of possible headaches, but it's actually to warn the 1% of the population who are allergic to sulfites. In truth, the medical community simply doesn't have any real answers concerning the cause of wine headaches, but it seems the Sinus Buster has an answer when it comes to the solution.
"I'm Italian and I love my red wine, but every once in a while I get a wine headache and it's total agony. Just like a migraine. I know it's some kind of allergy because I also get stuffed up, but the only answer my doctor had was to not drink wine anymore. Then one night I was out with a friend and I started to get a wine headache. She told me to use this hot pepper nasal spray. She was using this stuff for her migraines, and she said it worked. Boy did it ever. My headache went away in a few seconds, and I could breath again right away. I drank wine all night that night and never had another headache. Now I take the sinus buster with me whenever I'm going out to drink, says Gina Mitchell of Catskill, New York.
Yet another connection between the Sinus Buster and wine is its' growing popularity in well regarded wine tasting circles. It turns out this hot pepper nasal spray is also good for cleansing the pallet by waking up the nerves inside the nose that control the senses of smell and taste. Many wine connoisseurs say one little shot of the Sinus Buster allows the user to experience the very essence of the wine the way it was meant to be experienced.
To learn more about Sinus Buster, the worlds' first "capsaicin" hot pepper nasal spray --- go to (www.sinusbuster.com).
Samples of the Sinus Buster are available for verifiable accredited media and medical professionals upon request by using the contact information that accompanies this release.
About the author:
Press Release
Innovative Kitchen Decorating Idea Brings the Look of Oil Paintings Into Your Kitchen ARADesigner dishwasher panels are created from original oil paintings and reproduced on high quality vinyl. They will make a truly unique gift ideas for practically any occasion.
Tilghman Island, MD April 26, 2004 - The kitchen has long been the very core of any house. From your childs birthday party with countless kids making their own ice cream sundaes to office holiday functions where entertaining the boss turns into a demonstration on the proper way to stuff a duck, the age-old saying holds true: Everybody ends up in the kitchen. So why then dont we take the time to create a true living space within this all-important area of our house?
Dishwasher Creations founder Kimberly Bushey asked herself that same question. When I took a look at my dishwasher, it was just a white panel with a plain face. I believe the reverse side had an almond finish, but either way there was not much imagination at all. The dimensions of the dishwasher panel area seemed to be the perfect space for a work of art. So thats exactly what I decided to put there: real artwork.
With the help of her mother-in-law, impressionistic artist Maureen Bannon, Bushey created several designer dishwasher panels that bring the look of oil paintings into the kitchen. From soothing beach scenes to sophisticated wine coolers to whimsical barnyard hens, these pieces of kitchen art are created from Bannons own actual oil painting compositions then transferred onto durable vinyl with such detail the brushstrokes are still visible.
A light adhesive on the back allows the panels to be used and removed easily without damage to the appliance. Designer dishwasher panels clean up quickly with mild soap and water, and are UV protected to resist fading for up to three years.
A designer dishwasher panel is the perfect piece of kitchen art for any cooks domain. They also make truly unique gift ideas for practically any occasion, states Bushey.
Dishwasher Creations can be found online at www.dishwashercreations.com. Each panel costs $79.95 plus shipping and any applicable sales tax. For additional information, please visit Dishwasher Creations website
About the author:
Press Release
Another short Wine Pairing review
Unique Pepper Nasal Spray Beats Wine Headaches & Hang-overs
The world's first natural hot pepper nasal spray is gaining a huge reputation for relieving chronic sinus ailments and headaches across the world, but...
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