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The Best Articles on Wine

The Case of a wine cellar

Living the Good Life by Jim Bogaty owner Veramar Vineyard

The case of the wine cellar or a dozen wines for all times

Its cheaper by the dozen, for an everyday wine cellar, all you need are strong shelves, a cool spot and 12 bottles (one case) of wine. Always keep a bottle of sparkling wine and a bottle of white ready to drink in the refrig. Between that and the 10 in the rack, youll have a case that is ready just in case.

dozen any time wines - 3 Whites and 3 Reds
Three bottles each of Cabernet Franc (Cab-er-nay Fronc) and Chardonnay (Shard-don-a) or Pinot Grigio (Pee-no-Gree-gee-oh). Great all-purpose wines for almost any occasion. These should be simple Virginia wines you'd be just as happy drinking with a weekday dinner. Others- For whites, a Seyval Blanc (Say-voll-Blonc), Viognier (Vee-on-yea) or a Chardonnay is a good choice; if it doesn't have too much oak, it pairs with everything and works in any sauce. For red, a Virginia Cabernet Franc or Chambourcin (Sham-boor-san) are versatile to cook with and easy to drink.

Special White
Like that Virginia Gold Medal Chardonnay or Viognier youve been dying to try.

Wild White
Riesling (Reez-ling) or a soft white blend like Veramar Tres Blanc that goes wonderfully with Asian flavours or other ethnic spicy foods.

Special Red
A heritage blend or as we say here in Virginia, Meritage, an interesting Cabernet Franc, Sauvignon and Merlot blend that makes a red Bordeaux for a great pasta wine.

Big Red
Wine for that night you feel like plopping a steak on the grill. This can be full-bodied Cabernet or a Norton, --or whatever chewy red you like with red meat.

Ice, late harvest or dessert wine
Virginia has some excellent wines in this area, the late harvest Vidal Blanc (Vee-doll-Blonc) works great.

Sparkling Wine.
Brut (Broot) a sparkling blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. Usually dry.
One goes in the fridge for a spur-of-the-moment celebration.

Now, that's a case you can solve. The beautiful part is you get to have wine on demand, and you only need to replenish, as your stash gets low and most Virginia wineries offer a discounts on a case- cheaper by the dozen. Cheers!

Another short wine review

Making Red Wine

Jim Bruce has been making growing grapes and making wine since 1974.  You too can grow your own wine grapes.  Intere...

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How to Grow Grapes for Excellent Wine

I think it quite safe to say that more has been written about the cultivation of grapes than has - or ever will be - written about any other fruit. Th...

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How to Grow Grapes for Excellent Wine

I think it quite safe to say that more has been written about the cultivation of grapes than has - or ever will be - written about any other fruit. Th...

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Recommended Wine Items

EuroCave Presentation Shelf

Handsome display shelf for EuroCave Performance and Comfort Wine Cellars. Displays 12 bottles upright for easy access. Stores an additional 18 bottles horizontally on half depth shelves.

Price: 149.00 USD

Replacement EuroCave Charcoal Filter

Replacement Charcoal filters for EuroCave Performance and Comfort wine cellars. Charcoal air filters ensure the natural ventilation and humidity control that encourages wine to mature properly free from damaging odors. EuroCave recommends that you replace your filter every year.

Price: 39.00 USD

Australian Wine


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10:06 AM

We hope that what we have stated here on About Wine is indeed inspiring to you, the reader. With this inspiration, learn even more about About Wine .

A Wine Artilce for Your Viewing

Demystifying the wine and food marriages

Living the Good Life by Jim& Della Bogaty owners Veramar Vineyard, Berryville, VA

Demystifying the wine and food marriages -- There is a pair for you!

Wine and food pairing is a highly subjective and should be fun. There is little mystique behind the marriage between wines and food, but there is some basic compatibility issues- just like people marriages. Wine brings pleasure with any food. Many types of wines can match with many a dish. People all have different palates, cultures and inclinations. Everyone can and will find their own wine and food combinations-- a pair that they will love.

Wine & food matching suggestions
You are more likely to hear food and wine pairing suggestions rather than hard and fast rules. There's considerable room for experimentation and expression of your own personality in pairing wine and food. If you want to talk "rules" of wine and food pairing, the standard is red wine with red meat, white wine with white meat. However, rules are meant to be broken. Wine is fun and drink what you like is always the best rule. Having said that, there are some general guidelines you may find helpful when selecting a wine to enhance your meal for that perfect marriage.

Think of wine as if it was a condiment it should compliment the food. Chardonnay works beautifully with fish because you are matching light to light. Otherwise a full-bodied, heavier wine will overpower a light, delicate dish, and similarly, a lighter style wine will not even register on your flavour meter if you sip it with a hearty steak or roast.

Wine action vs. food reaction
When you drink wine by itself it tastes one way, but when you take a bite of food, the wine tastes different. This is because wine is like a spice. Elements in the wine interact with the food to provide a different taste sensation. Sweet Foods like Italian tomato sauce and honey-mustard glazes make your wine seem drier than it really is, so try an off-dry (slightly sweet) wine to balance the flavour (Riesling or a white blend). Acid Foods like fish served with a squeeze of lemon go well with wines higher in acid (Seyval Blanc, Pinot Grigio). Bitter and Astringent Foods like a mixed green salad of bitter greens and charbroiled meats accentuate a wine's bitterness so complement it with a full-flavoured forward fruity wine like a Cabernet Franc. Big tannic red wines like Norton, and Shiraz wines will go best with your classic grilled steak, as the fat in the meat will tone down the tannin (bitterness) in the wine. Cheeses- in some European countries the best wine is reserved for the cheese course. Red wines -Cabernet Franc & Norton- go well with mild to sharp cheese. Pungent and intensely flavored cheese is better with a sweeter wine like Riesling. Goat Cheeses pair well with dry white wine Chardonnay or Seyval Blanc, while milder cheeses pair best with fruiter red wine. Soft cheese like Camembert and Brie, if not over ripe, pair well with just about any red wine including Cabernet Franc or a Merritage. Chocolate may upset the taste of wine. Some claim that a Cabernet Franc will do the trick for a perfect matching of wine and chocolate. Or just have wine as a dessert by its self, a Late Harvest Wine like a Vidal Blanc or Veramar DOra.

Wine tasting at your local Vineyard is a great way to try different wines and teach you wine favors. Or you can contact your local Virginia winery for a wine and food paring suggestion, they will be glad to make a wine and food marriage proposal for you. Cheers!

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