All this matter was written with passion, which led to the speedy completion of this writing on About Wine . Let this passion burn for some time.
The Perfect Wine Cellar Equipment
Congratulations on your move from wine lover to wine
connoisseur. If you are planning to buy a wine cellar this
guide will give you some information on buying the perfect
wine cellar equipment.
1. Storage
Bottles should be stored on their side so that the cork
remains moist and they should also not be exposed to
vibration or temperature change. It should be maintained at
a constant 50 to 55 degrees with a humidity rate of 70%.
2. Size
Size matters and if you choose to buy a larger wine cellar
you need to make sure the unit will fit. Consider the space
you have to work with, the size and weight of the unit and
make sure to add the additional weight for the wine which
averages about 3 pounds per bottle.
3. Types
There are different types of wine cellars. If you live in a
house where you have a spare room that you can turn into
a wine cellar you are very lucky. Don't skimp and make sure
it will hold at least 500 bottles of wine. Build it well so that
the bottles don't come crashing down. That would be a
real shame.
For many of us we don't have that extra space. Not to
worry you can buy a free standing wine cellar which can be
placed in a house or even an apartment. They are available
in many different sizes so no matter what your space
limitations you will be able to find one that will work.
4. Build It
If you decide to build your own wine cellar remember that
north walls are best because they get the least amount of
light. You can use the first floor of your house, a garage, or
in some cases even a crawl space depending on the ability
to keep temperature constant.
The first stem in starting to build your wine cellar is building
the frame. You need to frame the outer walls of the
basement with 2" x 6" studs . Then you will need to
insulate so that you can keep the room a constant
temperature. Don't forget your door is going to have to
seal tightly so you will need to weather strip it. The drywall
you use should be resistant to moisture.
Start thinking about the design of your racks before you
actually begin construction. Decide what type of racks you
want and what material you want to build them out of.
Have a look at existing pre-fab racks to get some ideas.
You will also need to invest in a wine cellar cooling unit so
that you can maintain the correct temperature and
humidity. A cooling unit is very similar to an air conditioning
unit. Your wine should be maintained at around 50 degrees
and the humidity should be around 70%.
There is a great deal of wine cellar equipment available on
the market so whether you build from scratch or buy pre-fab
you've got plenty of options.
About the Author
April used to be a bartender with over 7 years of experience. She later retired to become a freelance wine critic and a writer for a number of wine books. In these books, she specializes on finding the right glassware and utensils for your bar. Visit for a list of "must haves" such as a wine
glass rack for your bar.
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